CEF Mid-Shore Chapter
The ministry in the Mid-Shore region of Maryland is led by Paulette Cheesman, local director. There is a small committee providing leadership for the ministry but more committee members are needed. For further information please contact us.
CEF Mid-Shore is a chapter of CEF Maryland.
Our Ministries
God has given Child Evangelism Fellowship® a number of unique ministries which have proven to be effective tools in our effort to evangelize and disciple children.

Good News Club
Good News Club® is a ministry in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission.
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Christian Youth in Action
Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) is a program designed to train teens and young adults in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God.
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5-Day Club
5-Day Club® is an exciting, fun-filled one and a half hour held each day for five consecutive days. It includes: dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, and life-changing Scripture memorization.
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